25 November 2014

Infolinks | Info-links

No Doubt about it. Infolinks is best site after ad-sense because the ads are placed in such manner if a user didn’t want to click on ads but unconsciously he/she will give you at-least 5,6 ads view. Info-links is working excellent from last couple of years and now it is giving high revenue to its users. In ad-sense your click play major role while here your page-views and clicks both play major role here. You will see there ads placement when you will do practical on your websites/blog. They are also playing a good game that when your viewer visit your blog and he doesn’t want to click on ads due to some internal factors but he will give you good amount of ads view which will be helpful for you to earn a decent amount at the end of month. I will also share my earning and experience with you guys later at the end of this article. You can payout minimum 100$ either from Paypal or through Wire. You can read their payment procedure in mentioned website. They have four categories of ads i-e Text Ads (These ads are placed on some words in your content either in post or in homepage.) InFold Ad (This ad is like a pop-up ad which will take 1/4 space at the bottom of your web. It will only raise when some one move their mouse arrow on it). InTag Ads (These are are placed below every post. These ads may b 2 lines or 1 Line and will be discussed further in respective heading.) InFrame Ads (These two ads will appear in right and left side of your website blog if your site/blog body has enough space available). These previous ads are discussed with explanation just below.

1. In Text Ads:

These are effective when you are running a website containing mostly text in it so it is best for your earning. These ads will be place on your some words like you have a sentence “I am a student of Engineering”. Your words Student or Engineering will be underlined and when some one move mouse on that a pop-up ad will appear and when you left move from it it will vanished. These are maximum 10 ads in number on each page you open. If you have genuine 1000 page-views per day it will give you 3000-4000 ads view per day and may be little low from my calculation. This amount of ads view will give you 2$ or 3$+ because sometime they have their own formula for this ratio.

2. InTag Ads:

Now these are ads which are best if you have an article and peoples want to learn more then these will be helpful. Let me give you an example, When you wrote an article on mobiles prices etc then you will see that most of your InTag ads containing the related topics means Mobiles, Latest Mobiles. Samsung. iPhone, HTC etc. It will give them a direction to click and see their required field or item. They will also give you good ratio which is CTR.

3. InFold Ad: 

This ad is your main target to get more clicks because it will be active when someone visit or refresh your page after cancelling your ad. It will give you up-to 4% high CTR then other ads. This ad will not disturb your users becuse they will occupy minimum space of your website/blog. May be some persons don’t like these kind of ads bu when those will try to cross that ad, some of them will definitely give you ad clicks. So fell happy and use them also.

4. InFrame Ads:

These ads will appear on your extra space in left and right side of your website main frame. They will not disturb your viewers but it will give them attraction and fresh look because these ads are beautiful with pictures and tex but an amazing color combination. A sample picture of all ads categories are mentioned in this below picture.

What things you need to do in getting started with Infolinks is:

Visit Infolinks.com and join as a publisher. After Joining Click on Add a new website and enter your website URL. They will review your blog/website in less then a day and will approve you. No matter your content is copyrighted or not, you just need to worry about traffic. As much traffic you can bring, you will get as much earning. You can use any social media traffic to get more views and clicks.

My Experience and Earning:

I personally started working on Infolinks a year ago. I work hard on my Pakistani Dramas Blog and got my first payout of 100$ in approximately 2 month but after that i can’t continue online work due to some internal issues. But i am fully satisfied with their trust and security polices. You can also Join and earn. It is an offer for you all guys who are spending their most time on Facebook and on games. Happy Earning


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